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Viajes virtuales de m.michel

Viajes virtuales
por M.Michel

Cuba : la diplomatie humanitaire | ARTE Reportage

Cuba : la diplomatie humanitaire | ARTE Reportage

Cuba est une étrange petite île.  Ravagée par une crise économique sans précédent, abandonnée des touristes qui assuraient sa survie, sous-équipée et isolée par un blocus aussi vieux que sa révolution, Cuba a réussi à maîtriser la Covid et en prime, à fournir au reste du monde une assistance médicale. Depuis 2020 en effet l'île a envoyé environ 3 000 professionnels de santé en mission temporaire dans 42 pays, dont le Mexique, la principauté d'Andorre, l'Afrique du Sud, l'Italie, Koweit ou la France pour assister et renforcer leurs équipes médicales.  Cette politique de coopération est un des points forts de la diplomatie cubaine depuis plus de 50 ans. Voulue par Fidel Castro, elle fait toujours la fierté de ses successeurs. Mais elle fait aussi grincer quelques dents...  Ses détracteurs constatent que ces missions facturées aux Etats hôtes sontdevenues le poste le plus important du commerce extérieur cubain (dix milliards de dollars en 2019, selon l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce), et que l'Etat ne lésine pas sur les pressions idéologiques pour obtenir l'appui enthousiaste, obligatoire et quasiment bénévole des médecins. Théoriquement, les bénéfices qu'il en retire devraient profiter aux patients cubains, ce qui est loin d'être le cas. Notre équipe a pu s'immerger quelques jours dans cette belle mécanique de communication : humanisme révolutionnaire d'un côté, contrôles permanents et pragmatisme calculateur de l'autre. Cuba est décidément toujours une étrange petite île... Reportage d'Annabel Lecouffe-Robaglia (France, 2022) disponible jusqu'au 26/03/2025 #Cuba #Santé #ARTE Abonnez-vous à la chaîne ARTE Suivez-nous sur les réseaux ! Facebook : Twitter : Instagram :
Havana in the 1950's

Havana in the 1950's

A voyage to Havana (1950-1962) Havana in the 1950’s has been compared to Las Vegas during that particular era but, this is not an accurate portrail of that city. While Las Vegas was a small desert city with a history of less than 60 years of existence and about 60,000 inhabitants at the time, concentrating in casino gaming and entertainment, Havana, was a large, vibrant cosmopolitan city with more than 400 years of history, close to 2,000,000 inhabitants in its metropolitan area, boasting countless grand historical castles and buildings, well planned urban sites, cultural centres, exclusive shopping, home to many Spanish noble aristocratic families, a very large upper and middle class, an extent working middle class, one of the largest foreign communities in the Americas and of course, as in any metropolis, a poor class but even Fidel Castro himself had to admit at one point that, in fact, there were poor people in Cuba but not widespread misery, his concern was more about distribution of wealth and alleged abuses of power and wealth, although his vision turned in to something else at the end. Havana had more in common with cities like NY or the old European capitals than Las Vegas, sure there were several elegant and exclusive casinos in Havana to which Las Vegas and even Europe turned for inspiration but, there was also an immense cultural world, grand museums, enormous historical theatres which attracted the best performers from the classical music world and an opera season which rivalled the Met in NYC. One of the best ballet companies in the world, at one point it was called the philharmonic capital of the Americas due to the fine Cuban philharmonic and symphony orchestras, it was the communications mecca in Latin America. Havana was nicknamed the Paris of the Caribbean for good reason but, this magnificent city with its tropical setting was so much more. It still is in many ways…. Enjoy the visit…. This material is presented for entirely non-profit educational purposes. There is no reason to believe that the featured images and music will in any way negatively affect the market value of the copyrighted works. For these reasons, we believe that this work is clearly covered under current fair use copyright laws. Copyright owners may monetize if they wish.
Traveling to Cuba | Cuba Before the Revolution: The Land and the People | 1950

Traveling to Cuba | Cuba Before the Revolution: The Land and the People | 1950

● Please SUPPORT my work on Patreon: ● Visit my 2ND CHANNEL: ►Facebook: ►Twitter: ►Google+: ✚ Watch my "Old America" PLAYLIST: This film is a general travelogue about Cuba before Fidel Castro’s Revolution. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * History of Cuba: Cuba was launched as an independent republic in 1902 with Estrada Palma as its first president, although the Platt Amendment, reluctantly accepted by the Cubans, kept the island under U.S. protection and gave the United States the right to intervene in Cuban affairs. United States investment in Cuban enterprises increased, and plantations, refineries, railroads, and factories passed to American (and thus absentee) ownership. This economic dependence led to charges of "Yankee imperialism," strengthened when a revolt headed by José Miguel Gómez led to a new U.S. military occupation (1906–9). William Howard Taft and Charles Magoon acted as provisional governors. After supervising the elections, the U.S. forces withdrew, only to return in 1912 to assist putting down black protests against discrimination. Sugar production increased, and in World War I the near-destruction of Europe's beet-sugar industry raised sugar prices to the point where Cuba enjoyed its "dance of the millions." The boom was followed by collapse, however, and wild fluctuations in prices brought repeated hardship. Politically, the country suffered fraudulent elections and increasingly corrupt administrations. Gerardo Machado as president (1925–33) instituted vigorous measures, forwarding mining, agriculture, and public works, then abandoned his great projects in favor of suppressing opponents. Machado was overthrown in 1933, and from then until 1959 Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar, a former army sergeant, dominated the political scene, either directly as president or indirectly as army chief of staff. With Franklin Delano Roosevelt's administration a new era in U.S. relations with Cuba began: Sumner Welles was sent as ambassador, the Platt Amendment was abandoned in 1934, the sugar quota was revised, and tariff rulings were changed to favor Cuba. Economic problems continued, however, complicated by the difficulties associated with U.S. ownership of many of the sugar mills and the continuing need for diversification. In March, 1952, shortly before scheduled presidential elections, Batista seized power through a military coup. Cuban liberals soon reacted, but a revolt in 1953 by Fidel Castro was abortive. In 1956, however, Castro landed in eastern Cuba and took to the Sierra Maestra, where, aided by Ernesto "Che" Guevara, he reformed his ranks and waged a much-publicized guerrilla war. The United States withdrew military aid to Batista in 1958, and Batista finally fled on Jan. 1, 1959. Land and People of Cuba: Cuba is the largest and westernmost of the islands of the West Indies and lies strategically at the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico, only 90 mi (145 km) from Florida. The south coast is washed by the Caribbean Sea, the north coast by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, and in the east the Windward Passage separates Cuba from Haiti. The shores are often marshy and are fringed by coral reefs and cays. There are many fine seaports – Havana (the chief import point), Cienfuegos, Matanzas, Cárdenas, Nuevitas, Santiago de Cuba, and Guantánamo (a U.S. naval base since 1903). Of the many rivers, only the Cauto is important. The climate is semitropical and generally uniform, and like most other Caribbean nations Cuba is subject to hurricanes. Cuba has three mountain regions: the wild and rugged Sierra Maestra in the east, rising to 6,560 ft (2,000 m) in the Pico Turquino; a lower range, the scenic Sierra de los Organos, in the west; and the Sierra de Trinidad, a picturesque mass of hills amid the plains and rolling country of central Cuba, a region of vast sugar plantations. The rest of the island is level or rolling. The origins of the population include Spanish (over 35%), African (over 10%), and mixed Spanish-African (over 50%). Spanish is spoken and Roman Catholicism, the dominant religion, is tolerated by the Marxist government. Santeria, an African-derived faith, is also practiced, and there are a growing number of Protestant evangelical churches. The principal institutions of higher learning are the University of Havana (founded 1728), in Havana; Universidad de Oriente, in Santiago de Cuba; and Central Universidad de las Villas, in Santa Clara. Traveling to Cuba | Cuba Before the Revolution: The Land and the People | 1950 NOTE: THE VIDEO DOCUMENTS HISTORICAL EVENTS. IT IS A VALUABLE HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. THE VIDEO HAS BEEN UPLOADED WITH EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES. ITS TOPIC IS REPRESENTED WITHIN HISTORICAL CONTEXT. THE VIDEO DOES NOT CONTAIN SENSITIVE SCENES AT ALL!
Mirador de Bacunayagua
Documental Puente de Bacunayagua

Passion Varadero  - Formulaire entrée cuba francais - piqure puce de sable - Hôtel de varadero - Cuba, Varadero, Dviajero, Hotels et Bagage cabine

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