Bomba fruit dulce (papaya) with pina
- ▪︎1 medium papaya, preferably green or not very ripe.
▪︎1 large ripe pineapple.
▪︎800 g. white or brown sugar.
▪︎1 pinch of salt.
▪︎1 or 2 cinnamon sticks.
▪︎1 tablespoon of lemon zest.
▪︎200 ml of water.
▪︎100 ml of rum or other liqueur.
Fruta bomba or papaya is a very typical fruit in Cuba, similar to melon, yellow in color with intense orange tones and very sweet when fully ripe. This tropical fruit has digestive properties very appreciated by Cubans.
When the papaya is still green, a very tasty and simple jam can be prepared, which can be mixed with other fruits such as pineapple or orange and the result is fascinating.
Peel the papaya and pineapple, clean them well and cut them into small squares.
Then place the fruit and sugar in a cauldron.
Add the cinnamon, lemon zest, salt and cook over medium heat until the fruit is glossy and the syrup is reduced to a slightly sticky texture.
Shortly before turning off the heat, add the liquor and let sit until cooled.
Always serve cold and with cheese, Cuban style, or if you prefer with vanilla or chocolate ice cream. The pineapple papaya jam itself already tastes like the food of the Cuban gods.
Rebellecuba wishes you an excellent first weekend of December.