This range of original rum from Sancti Spíritus, stands out for its very special flavor and intensity. It is the result of blending the most delicious aged spirits, in a clear allegory of the strength of religious traditions of Yoruba origin.
We find in its catalog several presentations; from brandy to 7-year-old amber rum, at very affordable prices and of course there is also high-end:
▪︎Aguardiente Natural ▪︎Aguardiente Añejo ▪︎Ron Carta Blanca ▪︎Ron Carta Oro ▪︎Ron Palma Superior ▪︎Ron Añejo Ambarino ▪︎Ron Añejo Reserva ▪︎Ron Añejo 7 años ▪︎R on Añejo 11 years ▪︎Ron Añejo 15 years