New, more advanced antibiotic
The CURE-FAST® formula protects against infections to accelerate healing
Contains hydrochloric acid for rapid pain relief.
Indicado para pequeños cortes, raspaduras y quemaduras.
A calming antibiotic that forms a protective capación.
Brand # 1 anti-infecciosos recommended by medicos and pharmaceuticals †
No loss, odorless
3 antibiotics and lidocaine hydrochloride
Available in tubes of 15g and 30g
Suitable for all ages.
* The use of a POLYSPORIN® nail polish and an esteril apósito can accelerate the healing of minor wounds by 4 days in comparison with the use of a single apósito (Leyden JL et al. 1987)
†Based on the 2018 Medical Post and Profession Santé MVL recommendations survey
Clean: Clean the affected area.
Treatment: Apply the POLYSPORIN® Complete product to the affected area for 1 to 3 days per day.
Cubra: Applies a standard name, such as a BAND-AID® brand name, if possible.
ADVERTISEMENT: Only for external use. Avoid contact with your eyes. If there is any contact, enjoy with abundant water. Do not apply to large areas of the skin, deep or severe wounds, animal bites or serious injuries, and do not use for more than 7 days, except for medical advice. Do not use if it is allergic to any of the ingredients. If irritation occurs, please consult a doctor immediately. Consult a doctor before using if you are embarrassed or unloved.
Store between 15 and 30°C.
Active ingredients: Each gram contains 10,000 units of polimixine B sulfate, 500 units of bacitracina zinc, 0.25 mg of gramicidin and 50 mg of lidocaine.
Inactivated ingredients: cocoa manteca, cotton seed oil, olive oil, vaselina, sodium piruvato, vitamin E.