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Invite a friend to your hotel, whether from Cuba or another country

Photo shared by Cynthia Poulin

Two different situations: inviting friends who are staying at another hotel at the same time as us or inviting friends from Cuba to stay at our hotel

Invite friends who are staying at the same time as us in Varadero

This may seem surprising to many people, but it is not so easy to welcome friends to our hotel. You have to understand that since the majority of people are on an "all-inclusive" package, hotels do not want to "pay" for guests who have not purchased a package with them. If you want to receive them at your hotel, you will be asked to welcome them in the main hall (lobby) and you can have a drink there without any problem. If you want to spend the day together, know that they can buy a day pass to be able to enjoy your hotel with you (see article on the subject).

Inviting Cubans to your hotel

It is possible to share your room in a Varadero hotel with a person who resides in Cuba. But it can sometimes be a little more complex. What seems clear to our members is that it would be easier to share a room with a person who resides in Cuba than to book an additional room, especially in high season.

You then have to book the "land" portion only and this seems easier using the services of a travel advisor according to the testimonials of our members.

Another option that can be considered is to book a stay in a "casa particular". And for those who want to spoil themselves a little, you can take a day pass to a hotel to enjoy all their facilities.

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